

Artisan Anti-Listener Hysteria! Jigokuki specializes in Hard-Vacuum, Blurcore, Warp, Gunk, No-Skool-Noyzcore, Noyzgrynd but also to a lesser degree Stridor, Splittercore, Extratone along with on occasion other highly exceptional, original, paranormal or delirious forms/recordings of more generic & common forms such as Grindcore, Gratecore, Noyz & Death Industrial. The founding concept & cardinal consecration was to truly & veridically, unequivocally assemble & put out apodictically & absolutely THE MOST astonishingly absurdist Anti-Listener Torkikowashi apoplexy & the fiercest of fulmination frentics possible with all/any methods/techniques permitted in the solicitation of unquestionable prepotence & to have this consortium freak-show encourage, inspire & nurture each others further mutation in an ever increasing competition of ridiculousness free from/autonomous of – the constraints, weakness & senescence of the orthodox Noisecore, Grind & Noise scenes/genres, status-quo statistics & accepted levels of insufficient intensity & imagination. Expertise could enhance the destructive capacity/toll, absonance, histrionics, frenzy, abnormality, speed, protraction/relentlessness, distortions, floridity, virtuosity, sonic-obscenity & anything that would significantly increment & optimize the pertinent intensities into the preposterous, unthinkable, berserk inhuman thresholds & apogees of new-found stupefaction & astounding User-Hostile innovation & excess abrasives. Compromises & clemency were curtailed but meta-mutations of any influence or inclusion of volatility & toxins to exacerbate & evolve the extent of collision forces & inculcate new breeds of stupefying severity surplus & Anti-Listener apex were encouraged & perfected yielding unspeakable cross-breeds with supra-terrestrial psychodramatics & deformity distinction surpassing previous expectations & experimentation. For Jigokuki-LOD-TGS, Noyzcore is not taken as a low-effort disposable rhetorical statement, It is honed assiduously with a dedication & integrity with the unflinching intentions to inflict the severest degree of destruction & hysteria imaginable by vociferators & fanatics with real determination, diligence & devotion. Jigokuki’s irregular continually permutating packaging & immensely intricate & distinctive original artwork using recycled materials & printed to an exceptionally high standard perfectly compliment the undisputed sonics & our fervency to this rarest of genres, No-Skool-Noyzcore/Gunk. If your after all the other shit, we can’t help you. But if your truly, honestly & sincerely after the worst, most damaging, inestimable unprecedented User-Hostile teratoid braying maul & eutrophic ephuisticating oddity theurgy, nobody anywhere, ever is going to give it to you at this level.

ORDERS: All orders contact emergencyemancipation@protonmail.ch or check www.jigokuki.org/gobbledygunk

CONTACT:  emergencyemancipation@protonmail.ch

SUBMISSIONS: Jigokuki is totally open to submissions, however – ensure that you are educated & understanding of Jigokuki’s previous releases & levels of intensity first & truly feel that your craft is apposite & plausible to our austere asymmetrical contagion. Send physical demo’s/material on any format you please (except fucking zip disx) to Jigokuki; PO Box 52421; London; NW3-6WQ; U.K.

WHOLESALE: wholesale on all Jigokuki defects are possible but our minimum is 30 pieces. Individuals/distributors that are interested can contact emergencyemancipation@protonmail.ch with requests. WE DO NOT TRADE!!!