OPS-PSF/I Trust the Conman split 7”ep on Lo-fi or Die Rex:


Lo-fi or Die Records once again sloughing out specialist, rare-breed, utmost, & standout Gunk, No-Skool-Noyzcore & User-Hostile Noisegrind maximalism.

one of the best OPS-PSF recordings ever! originally released as a split cassette on Fuck U Tapes in 1999, it has been expertly remastered & given new artwork by vocalist & drummer Kikuchi Ryohei.

pressing came out excellent, with superb sound quality.

heh-heh-heh …..this fucker has been in the tank for about a decade, with seemingly endless malediction befalling each new effort to pair the original OPS-PSF recording with a suitably spectacular counterpart on the B-side.

after something like six variations – it finally goes to harsh-blur-shred-blast-noise-gratecore ruffians I Trust the Conman.

snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug y’ fuccin’ basts!!!

OPS-PSF – 112 Trax of G.S. Crazy [Pt.1]:

Unsurpassable idiosyncrasy overload of micro-spasming Tokyo 90s grindnoise scuzz. harsh, course, spiny, sour & stinging junky precision clatter, trash blaster no-skool-noyzcore acme-oddity & gourmet garbage. classic. glorious. preposterous. efficacious yet consummately facetious, flabbergasted & fucked.

112 tracks in 04.44 minutes.

I Trust the Conman – Moron’s Messiah and the Temple of Turd:

Incandescent & fuming, excessively violent, turbo-outrage anti-listener grind/grate-noisecore-shred. hurtling & breathless ultra-blastcore with fast, ragged harsh noise pelt & hyper-blurcore guitar-noise shred frenzy. rammed with political samples on the scourge of digital disinformation, post truth & faux populist klepto-pluto-cronyism dupe.

10 tracks in 05.36 minutes (with samples).

I Trust the Conman – raw, clean, live studio take (no noise, no distortion).

Solid white vinyl with full-colour labels, high-quality full-colour sleeve pro-printed on 150g paper, sturdy pvc shroud & inner plastic vinyl bag, small colour insert, hand-numbered to x491 copies. £15 each.

still available on Lo-fi or Die – OPS-PSF/Digital Noise Dostortion split 7”ep (puked in 2012).

OPS-PSF/DND split 7″ excerpt mp3.

absolutely classic, absurdist Tokyo Anti-Listener Gunk from 1998 vs mangling, scorched earth Italian harsh noise blowout. translucent green vinyl, colour labels, gorgeous cover art, weird oversized thick card sleeve with specialised colour clip accessory. £15.00 each.